Décodeurs de protocole

Décodez sans effort des protocoles tels que SPI, I2C, Serial, et bien d'autres encore. Tirez parti des analyseurs créés par la communauté ou construisez votre propre analyseur de de bas niveauou analyseur de protocole de haut ou de bas niveau.

Debug happy.

Deciding on a purchase? Try the software! It will work in a fully-featured demo mode.

Download for Linux

For Ubuntu 18.04+ 64 bit, et al.
Install Instructions

Debug happy.

Deciding on a purchase? Try the software! It will work in a fully-featured demo mode.

Download for Intel Mac Download for Apple Silicon

For Mac OSX 10.14 Mojave+

Debug happy.

Deciding on a purchase? Try the software! It will work in a fully-featured demo mode.

Download for Windows

For Windows 8, 10 & 11.